Blogs are an opening into conversation.
Finding Earth Works is a commitment to discuss and imagine the ecosystem role that each of us can play to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate. The assumption is that all work can share in supporting the well-being of the Earth.
Each week will bring thinking and occupational examples of how we can all participate.
We know more about green jobs than we did!
Tags: adaptation, Alex Risley Schroeder, climate change, climate savvy workers, finding earth works, green economy, green jobs, mitigation
“Don’t believe the doubters who claim that we have to make a choice between protecting the environment or growing the… Read more

Climate Savvy Work – Work that Fuels, Filters and Inspires
Tags: adult learning, Alex Risley Schroeder, climate change, climate savvy workers, dog groomer, ecosystem services, finding earth works, green jobs, millenium assessment, pastry baker, sustainable senior living
Let’s try something. Let’s see every job as a job that helps us to adapt to climate change. Not just… Read more

Does the Weather Forecaster on TV have a Green Job?
Tags: adaptation, adult learning, Alex Risley Schroeder, climate change, climate science, finding earth works, green economy, green jobs, meteorology, workforce development
I don’t have a TV in the kitchen. I wonder, when you see the weather forecaster over the first cup of… Read more

This Bear Crosses Here, Often
Tags: adaptation, adult learning, Alex Risley Schroeder, animals and humans, climate change, finding earth works, green economy, green jobs, infrastructure jobs, mitigation, Orion magazine, People's Way, workforce development
“This bear crosses here, often,” is a sign that stands along the side of Route 66 in Northampton, MA. It… Read more

Finding Earth Works – Working Our Way to Climate Adaptation
Tags: adaptation, adult learning, climate change, finding earth works, green, green economy, green jobs, mitigation, solstice, sustainability, workforce development
On the Summer Solistice, the day with the most light in the Northern Hemisphere, a re-launch of the Finding Earth… Read more